Sunday, December 4, 2011

A year of being loved to death

Ry & Em
Adding baby number two was an easy transition for us. Not only was Rylee 4 when Emory was born but she was practical, reasonable, and logical. Ry has always been an easy child who played by the rules. Heck she even followed rules that we didn't know existed. And because of these qualities, Ry quickly adjusted to being a BIG sister. She shared and she cuddled and kissed. She helped give baths and she stayed semi quiet during Emory's naps. The only duty she refused to assist with was diaper changing and frankly I didn't blame her. I too would have refused if "THE" incident happened to me.

Ry & Em
What incident you ask? "THE" incident occurred when Em was new to our home and Ry asked to learn how to change diapers. I was helping when all of the sudden Em sneezed and Rylee screamed in horror. When I collected myself and looked at Ry, I noticed poop on her forehead. From that point forward, Ry has never ever EVER been in the same vicinity of a diaper changing. And again, who could blame her.  

Adding baby number three was much more difficult. For starters, Ry had turned 5 and was over the coolness of being a BIG sister and Em was only 18 months old. Also, Em was proving to be a different personality than her bigger sister. Emory was and is a very hot mess who seems to thoroughly enjoy the fun in life........ with a tad bit of disregard for consequences.

Em & Lucy
Shortly after Lucy's arrival from the hospital, Em grew so curious that she began knocking over the "baby filled" bassinet not once but multiple times, dragging the baby across the floor to cuddle and kiss, and brushing the baby's gums with adult size toothbrushes WHILE the baby was trying to nap. As time went on and milestones were met, Em began mastering the art of knocking the baby over when she sat up and sitting on the baby - in the swing or wherever convenient. When Lucy began to crawl, Em began riding her back while screaming "giddy up" and "GO BABY". And when Lucy began walking, Em started trying to get piggy back rides. Then there was the day that I rounded the corner and Lucy was covered in stickers and Em was "just" reading a pretty (sticker) book.

Don't get me wrong, Emory is a fantastic, funny, and loving child. She's even a helpful MIDDLE sister. At the end of the day, she's thrilled to have a new baby. So thrilled that we quickly realized she quite possibly could love Lucy to death.

Monday, as we celebrate Lucy's one year birthday, we will also celebrate a much bigger accomplishment. We will celebrate one full year of her surviving...... being loved to death.

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